Driver App for Partner SaaS only


Trial version ( for test environment ) :

OnWheel Driver App ( Android only )

For test app on iOS contact us for more information.

Production version :

OnWheel Driver App - Android

OnWheel Driver App - iOS


How to sign up for OnWheel Driver App ?

Step 1. Open OnWheel Driver app and select the Sign in button under the Login Button.

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Step 2. Enter the required information.

AhaMove will send a verification code to your phone that you will use to complete the sign up process.

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Step 3.

OTP will be sent to your number. Sign in to submit Avatar , ID photo and other personal information. Complete by click to SUBMIT button.

Your account will be created and activated by Admin.

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Note :

Delivery process

1. Sign-in : Log in with the registered phone number and enter the OTP

2. Switch to ONLINE mode : Switch to online mode to start taking orders

3. Enter the maximum advance COD amount and select Confirm

4. New orders will be displayed on the Home page "TASK". Select the appropriate order and click accept

Each order displayed includes the following information: